
Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Final Major Project - Pig

Heey guys & girlz =) Sorry I haven't been showing much artyness recently, been working on 3d atm. =) Here's the 'wild boar' creature for Jeremy's project. =) There may be afew more changes, hopefully that's it =) Process included as well =) Will show more process on making the low poly from the high poly as well as the diffuse texturing soon =) Must say that I reallllly enjoyed making this, learnt LOTS, as I'm not very good at 3d =)

- High poly =)

Ctrl + click to view

- Low poly =)

Ctrl + click to view

- Process.. =)

Ctrl + click to view

Byeee! =)


  1. hehe, nice pig :)
    I work now in ZBrush:)
    I learn to program.

    1. Thank you Pums! =) Sure man, practice and have fun =), UDK can be fun too =) Cheers man, have a good one =)

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you Julia! =) Btw, how do we read your blog now? It says invite only atm? Hope you don't mind me asking, I had no other way to message you.. =( Have a great weekend =)

  3. Oh these looks so cool!! :D
    I have been trying to figure out how to use 3D programs for a while now, I just can't get it ._.
    It was cool seeing your process though :) What program(s) did you use?

    1. Hey Jess =) Jus keep practicing, it can be very frustrating, but if you push through that, it's worth it if you wanna do 3d =) I use 3DS Max and Zbrush, they work great together =)

  4. The Pig is amazing! You're pretty good in 3D, dont worry :)
    so you use Zbrush for your works? i tried it out once...i think its amazing. sadly i didnt find the time for further 3D studies due to my drawing training.

    1. Thank you for the compliment Stells, replied on your blog =)
